Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thank you, _______, for the Poem.

I was looking through old stuff when I found the poem my best friend wrote for me a year ago. I smiled as I read it again and wanted to post her poem online because she deserves it and she was the only one who saw me.
The one who really understood me.

(September 06, 2010) 
"I Build Walls"
by: Flower (Let's just stick with that for the meantime)

I build walls:
Walls that protect,
Walls that shield,
Walls that say I shall not yield
Or reveal
Who I am or how I feel.

I build walls:
Walls that hide,
Walls that cover what's inside,
Walls that stare or smile or look away,
Silent lies,
Walls that even block my eyes
From the tears I might have cried.

I build walls: 
Walls that never let me
Truly touch
Those I love so very much.
Walls that need to fall!
Walls meant to be fortresses
Are prisons after all. 

Thank you for that poem, if she ever found this site.
I'm glad that she's still one of my best friends until now.

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