Saturday, June 4, 2011

Please Give Me Your One Minute (Literally)

Ok, I'm very serious about the title.
If you happen to be reading this right now, give me a minute.
Approximately, 60 seconds and 120 milliseconds.

Let's start the timer now.
There is an awesome book made by a friend of mine and you just HAVE to READ it.
It's totally amazing.

The title of the book is...
"Dear Chris, Since When Did You Start Loving Me?"
It even has an awesome blog as well as book trailer.

I'll give you all the links to this amazing story.
+Blog of the Author:

Please, read it and if you can, pick it. 
You won't be sorry, I can guarantee that along with how amazing the book is. 

Thank you for the minute. Or two. 

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