Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So, Today's Snack Menu is "Daring Feast"!

So, right now, you're wondering why it's called "Daring Feast".
Read to find out.
But I warn you. You might be a bit grossed out with what I'm DARING to eat.

Let's begin with afternoon snack!
I had two biscuits in my hand. Three spreads before me.
1.) Tuna Spread.
2.) Orange Marmalade
3.) Crunchy Peanut Butter

Guess which I combined?


Still guessing? Take your time.


If you guessed tuna and peanut butter, good guessing.
And I know you're fully or a bit disgusted upon finding out. Let's just hope it's more on the second though.
But my main problem didn't taste as I expected.
It tasted tuna and a bit crunchy.
I guess I should've added more on the peanut butter.
Too late.
That was during afternoon snack time!

Let's move a wee bit forward to almost midnight snack time!
I ate a "Lugaw Isaw".
In English it's a porridge with an animal-which-I-don't-know's intestines on it.
Yup. That word is now on your mind.
Can't blame you. I felt that way before I even ate it.
Anyway, it tasted a bit soft and melted into my mouth like butter.
Not super delicious or out of this world delicious.
JUST delicious.

If you ever go to Philippines, try it.
If you dare, of course.
Anyway, stay tuned! =)

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