Sunday, March 18, 2012

Totally Random

WARNING: Everything written here was the first thing that popped in my mind.

My last post was about how stressed I was.
And this post, well, it's not as if anything has changed.
After all, I am still stressed (in a good way).

I'm about to graduate so what am I going to do?!?

Wow, I feel SO productive and accomplished.

Hey, I'm about to graduate!
Well, my some part of me is. I guess no matter what happens, I'll still be weird.
Not that I mind.

I WANT chocolate!
*grumble grumble* *grunt groan* *sigh*
I'll get it myself.

Before I leave, check this out.

Oh, and since my BELOVED Inkpop has become a part of JUST Figment, I'll have to cancel all the Recommended Projects.
Most importantly...
I have to go.
*suddenly appalled*
You're asking why it's IMPORTANT???
How dare you?!?
You know why, you are going to greet me bye, RIGHT?
Well, you better.

P.S. Sorry. My Insanity and Paranoid-ness just clashed. As you can see, the last "stanza" there is the result. Well, MOST is the result.

Friday, August 5, 2011

So I've Been Busy.

I haven't blogged for AGES!!! Seriously!
I'm soo busy and stressed out. I have a lots tests coming my way.
It's really a wonder I'm still alive right now.
But that doesn't mean I'll stop writing.

Uhm...Please pray for me that I pass my college entrance exams.

What else to say?!?
Oh, I'm happy that the club I'm in is growing.
I'm happy that I made it this far.
I'm happy that I'm still breathing.
I'm happy that I'm still writing.

But still, I've been and still am busy.
Logging off, KGDar.
(Actually, I have a new pen name. It's Kathryn "KC" Chace)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thank you, _______, for the Poem.

I was looking through old stuff when I found the poem my best friend wrote for me a year ago. I smiled as I read it again and wanted to post her poem online because she deserves it and she was the only one who saw me.
The one who really understood me.

(September 06, 2010) 
"I Build Walls"
by: Flower (Let's just stick with that for the meantime)

I build walls:
Walls that protect,
Walls that shield,
Walls that say I shall not yield
Or reveal
Who I am or how I feel.

I build walls:
Walls that hide,
Walls that cover what's inside,
Walls that stare or smile or look away,
Silent lies,
Walls that even block my eyes
From the tears I might have cried.

I build walls: 
Walls that never let me
Truly touch
Those I love so very much.
Walls that need to fall!
Walls meant to be fortresses
Are prisons after all. 

Thank you for that poem, if she ever found this site.
I'm glad that she's still one of my best friends until now.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I Guess I'm a Senior Now.

The title says it all.
I'm a SENIOR now.
In high school, of course.

Time DOES fly fast.
Yesterday, it seemed like I was just a freshman, scared that I was alone without a friend (which in fact is true and already in the past).
Now, I'm a senior, trying to maintain the great academical grades I had when I was a junior.
I also have college application and entrance exams to take.
But I feel like I'm TAKING ON the whole world.

I wonder if I close my eyes and open it, will I already be graduating in college?
It's just a thought.

I just had my first two days.
It wasn't what I expected and I'm not telling you if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Let's just say it's neutral.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

*Sigh*...Just 5 More Days and 6 Nights Before...

Good bye, my everyday use of the laptop.
Good bye, my comfy covers in the morning.
Good bye, my free time.
Good bye, everything I've enjoyed during Summer VACATION.

In 5 more days and 6 nights, all my good byes will be in reality.

That means I'll be saying hello to...
Early morning wake-ups.
Heavy books.
Limited free time.
Early to bed ritual.

Why is it that I have less to say GOOD BYE to and more to say HELLO to?
Symbolically speaking, why is it that I have more nightmares than fantasies?

Don't you agree?

My brother's first day back in school is a day earlier than me but all he's doing is wrestling with my baby bro.
It figures.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So, Today's Snack Menu is "Daring Feast"!

So, right now, you're wondering why it's called "Daring Feast".
Read to find out.
But I warn you. You might be a bit grossed out with what I'm DARING to eat.

Let's begin with afternoon snack!
I had two biscuits in my hand. Three spreads before me.
1.) Tuna Spread.
2.) Orange Marmalade
3.) Crunchy Peanut Butter

Guess which I combined?


Still guessing? Take your time.


If you guessed tuna and peanut butter, good guessing.
And I know you're fully or a bit disgusted upon finding out. Let's just hope it's more on the second though.
But my main problem didn't taste as I expected.
It tasted tuna and a bit crunchy.
I guess I should've added more on the peanut butter.
Too late.
That was during afternoon snack time!

Let's move a wee bit forward to almost midnight snack time!
I ate a "Lugaw Isaw".
In English it's a porridge with an animal-which-I-don't-know's intestines on it.
Yup. That word is now on your mind.
Can't blame you. I felt that way before I even ate it.
Anyway, it tasted a bit soft and melted into my mouth like butter.
Not super delicious or out of this world delicious.
JUST delicious.

If you ever go to Philippines, try it.
If you dare, of course.
Anyway, stay tuned! =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Ironic Similarities of "Love?!?" & "Hate?!?"

Yes, fellow bloggers.
This is our topic for today.
Or for tonight. (I am actually typing with the time nearing to midnight)

Anyway, back to our conversation.
(The three words which are capitalized are meant to be emphasized.)

Some of you may not think of those two words similar. After all, you'll be saying that "Love" is spelled as l-o-v-e and "Hate" is spelled as h-a-t-e. You may also say in your defense that the two have different meanings that contradict each other.
Well, you can still think or say that.
Let me just point out a few other things about the two words.

Let's begin.
ONE! Both of the two words have one syllable. 
Keep reading.

TWO! They also contain four letters each. 
I know what you're thinking, but don't judge yet. 
Or I might quote Matthew 7:1 to you. (Check that verse out!)

THREE! People tend to easily believe "I love you" or "I hate you" once someone says it to them.
Am I right? Or not?
Talk to me, people. 

FOUR! Has the tendency to give people the feeling of butterflies in their stomachs. 

FIVE! Only certain people we know can say this to us. 

SIX! (this is the last) Both have the letter 'e' at the very end. 

Well, that's the end. Thank you for reading until the end. 
If you AGREE with me, thank you. 
If you DON'T, this is just something I thought of while staring at my sister's laptop.

Oh, if you're not a Christian and don't care about the verse Matthew 7:1, I'll quote it to you instead. 

~Judge not, that you not be judged~
     Matthew 7:1