Sunday, March 18, 2012

Totally Random

WARNING: Everything written here was the first thing that popped in my mind.

My last post was about how stressed I was.
And this post, well, it's not as if anything has changed.
After all, I am still stressed (in a good way).

I'm about to graduate so what am I going to do?!?

Wow, I feel SO productive and accomplished.

Hey, I'm about to graduate!
Well, my some part of me is. I guess no matter what happens, I'll still be weird.
Not that I mind.

I WANT chocolate!
*grumble grumble* *grunt groan* *sigh*
I'll get it myself.

Before I leave, check this out.

Oh, and since my BELOVED Inkpop has become a part of JUST Figment, I'll have to cancel all the Recommended Projects.
Most importantly...
I have to go.
*suddenly appalled*
You're asking why it's IMPORTANT???
How dare you?!?
You know why, you are going to greet me bye, RIGHT?
Well, you better.

P.S. Sorry. My Insanity and Paranoid-ness just clashed. As you can see, the last "stanza" there is the result. Well, MOST is the result.

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